我最愛的兩個音樂人、Patti Smith和REM今年都是搖滾名人堂受獎者。
Patti Smith是七零年代最inspiring的音樂人,REM則是八零年代最inspireing的。他們從六零年代Velvet Underground、Bob Dylan手中,先後扛下了美國最偉大搖滾的火炬,大聲發出與時代不同的噪音,並且都具有強烈的政治和社會意識。
在十二日的頒獎典禮上是Zach De la Rocha inducts Patti Smith,Eddie Vedder inducts REM
(我想,如果Kurt Cobain還在,或許會是由他來induct這兩人其中之一吧。另一個適合induct Patti Smith的人,當然是Thurston Moore)
而今晚REM鼓手Bill Berry重新歸隊演出。
並且再一次,所有人合唱Patti Smith的國歌People Have The Power

但是我去看了The Good、The Bad and The Queen的現場,所以無法在家看電視。
可是問題是,以Patti Smith這麼反叛的人,他要接受這個搖滾體制的獎嗎?
Patti Smith在這一天的紐約時報的論壇版寫了一篇文章自己提出,並回答了這個問題。
Should an artist working within the revolutionary landscape of rock accept laurels from an institution? Should laurels be offered? Am I a worthy recipient?
I have wrestled with these questions and my conscience leads me back to Fred and those like him — the maverick souls who may never be afforded such honors. Thus in his name I will accept with gratitude. Fred Sonic Smith was of the people, and I am none but him: one who has loved rock ’n’ roll and crawled from the ranks to the stage, to salute history and plant seeds for the erratic magic landscape of the new guard.
Because its members will be the guardians of our cultural voice. The Internet is their CBGB. Their territory is global. They will dictate how they want to create and disseminate their work. They will, in time, make breathless changes in our political process. They have the technology to unite and create a new party, to be vigilant in their choice of candidates, unfettered by corporate pressure. Their potential power to form and reform is unprecedented.
Rock ’n’ roll drew me from my mother’s hand and led me to experience. In the end it was my neighbors who put everything in perspective. An approving nod from the old Italian woman who sells me pasta. A high five from the postman. An embrace from the notary and his wife. And a shout from the sanitation man driving down my street: “Hey, Patti, Hall of Fame. One for us.”
I just smiled, and I noticed I was proud. One for the neighborhood. My parents. My band. One for Fred. And anybody else who wants to come along.
我的Patti Smith文章:
詩、搖滾與反抗Patti Smith@CBGB我在紐約與Michael Stipe的相遇